Friday, February 01, 2008

Generation Nigella

From mX News, 1 Feb 2008

I've just learned of a new Generation, betwixt X and Y.

It's called Generation Nigella, named for Nigella Lawson, who has made home-cooking and domestication fashionable again.

Gen N refers to young, middle-class women who prefer a happy balance of home, work and family to working long hours and partying hard.

A survey of 2480 commissioned by the UK RED Magazine found that only 1% of young, middle-class women say their jobs take priority in their lives.

59% would rather work part-time if they can afford to.

36% would like to be full-time mums.

And women who give up work to stay home with young children are the happiest of all.

"Forget the '90s work/life balance, now it's home/life/work balance...Nigella has given 30-somethings permission to enjoy their homes again."

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