Friday, February 08, 2008

Making Friends

I felt so proud today when Beth declared that she now has 5 friends at school: Emily, Jasmine, Madison, Connor and Joey.

She started school knowing just Joey, who was her best friend at kinder.

We're very blessed too that she has all these senior friends looking out for her, because all the kids from church are at Heathdale Christian College.

Yesterday, Georgia (Grade 3) came specially to look for Beth before school started.

When I got to band practice at church last night, the twins were disappointed that Beth wasn't with me.

But Beth's not the only one who's been busy socializing.

Dropping Beth off and picking her up everyday means I get heaps of opportunities to meet other parents.

I'm meeting new people everyday and trying hard to remember all their names and the names of their children.

A, dad to Jennifer.
L, mum to Kyle and mum of 4.
M, mum to Sarah and mum of 4 girls.
LA, mum to Jasmine and mum of 4 girls.
Sharon, mum to Riley and Alexandra.

It's a wonderful way to become part of the Heathdale community.

Just 2 days ago, one of the mums I'd struck up a conversation with, asked if I could do her a favour and take her daughter home for 2 days next week! Her husband works shifts and she hasn't got her 'P's yet. And she knows I've only just acquired my 'P's. How incredible is that?

So this afternoon, she and her daughter Sarah, who's also a Preppie, sat in our car and directed me to their home.

I assured her and her hubby I would devote some time over the weekend to memorize the route from school to their place. I know how frightening it must feel to place their daughter's safety and wellbeing in the hands of a complete stranger, especially one who's just passed her driving! They tell me they've been praying that they would meet someone they could trust to take their daughter home, and now "God has provided"!

I can think of only 2 words: Divine Appointment.

Perhaps God has planned all this so our 2 families can get acquainted and support each other.

I definitely feel like He's calling me to Higher Ground and out of my comfort zone....again.

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