Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Momentum Rush

Man, I could get used to this creative busyness.

Things are starting to happen and I am detecting a pattern here. It goes along the lines of the NLP goal setting strategy DDNR -
  • Decide to do something.
  • Do it.
  • Notice the feedback - how are people responding? what do they say they want more/less of? 
  • Refine - take the feedback on board and keep adjusting till I get the results I want.
Am in the thick of three projects right now.

Coffee Club initative - met with fellow school mum M last week and agreed that we would host an info session to find out our school mums' top three concerns. Today she printed and guillotined a stack of flyers and the two of us handed out flyers at pick-up time. Had a great response, with some mums being really enthusiastic and saying yes to the invitation on the spot. Cool. I was blessed to have Miss 6 help me with this; she's a natural at approaching people and ran after friends and teachers to give them the flyers. We will also be placing a notice in the school newsletter and distributing flyers to all school families through the class tray system.

The girls' music school principal approached me this week to participate in their inaugural student support foundation fundraiser. Sponsors are invited to donate products or services which will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go towards scholarships for students. In return, your business presence gets an uplift. I said yes. Just working on the details now.

I mentioned this to the owner of our martial arts school and she got really excited about working together on a similar project.

I love my journey and how I've evolved in my thinking: Small to big. One to many. Me to Us. Win-Lose to Win-Win-Win.

    Wednesday, May 01, 2013

    What you focus on is what you get

    Last week, my coach issued me an ultimatum.

    If I continue with my Below The Line thinking, don't bother booking in for the final session. She'll gladly save me the money.

    Nothing like an ultimatum to make me get serious.

    I admit - I've been playing the "I'm not enough" and "I haven't got everything in place so I can't start" game for a few months. I actually got so "sian" of being on coaching webinars and keeping up with assessment requirements that I rebelled and withdrew for a season from the whole tiresome business of helping others improve their quality of life.

    I've had people ask me how my workshops are going, which makes me feel "paiseh". It also makes me think that maybe those workshops did have an impact, even on people who didn't attend. It's a bit like watching the growth of my children's music school. It's only three years old, but it has a presence larger than its track record. You can't go near the Point Cook Town Centre on a weekend and miss a concert featuring the students. You go to the Plaza and there's the Principal signing up new students.

    Action Creates Momentum. To be seen, heard and read about long enough that you become a familiar name, and eventually an expert. That's marketing. That's making your presence felt.

    So over the weekend, I started doing Imperfect Implementation. Using everything I've already learned, I'm letting people know I'm still in the business and I'm ready to serve.

    • I mentioned on FB that I had a new free report on goal setting and achievement to give away. 66 people saw the post and several asked for the report.
    • I sent a call to action to a lady I'd had a conversation with about a change of career.
    • I connected with an ex-client to ask how I can serve him at this time. He asked for three coaching sessions to help him find his ideal life partner.
    • I set up coffee chats with girlfriends and used my coaching skills to encourage, enlighten and empower.
    • A fellow coach has booked in for a consultation next week about how to improve her relationship with her son.
    • I'm meeting a school mum to explore how to reactivate the Coffee Club and add even more value to the meetings with quick bursts of personal empowerment and parenting tips.
    In the midst of a coffee chat today, a powerful metaphor came unbidden and I shared it by faith. The look on my friend's face was priceless. I knew then - again - that this is what I'm called to do, and I have to keep at it.

    This seems to be the pattern that works - keep planting, keep praying, keep planting some more.

    As Nicky Gumble taught at Alpha last week, we never know how the seeds we plant will turn out. But if it's something worth doing, then it's worth persisting long enough to watch the seed bear fruit.