Monday, February 11, 2008

Recommended Reading: 7 Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Career

Just want to share this article by Dr. Randall S. Hansen,'s Career Doctor.

I always enjoy reading the articles on QuintCareers because they are informative, full of value and written for easy reading without being overly simplistic.

If you're an employee, protecting your career and boosting your chances of being retained and promoted require a delicate balance between knowing what's going on outside the company, and being your boss' trusted resource.

Dr Hansen recommends these 7 strategies to protect your career:
  1. Stay alert to the grapevine.
  2. Keep your resume current.
  3. Build your brand internally.
  4. Become a company man/woman.
  5. Build your brand externally.
  6. Find career development opportunities.
  7. Network.

Read the article here.

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