Friday, February 08, 2008

The Time To Act On Your Dreams Is NOW

We are not fearless enough to take charge of our lives.

We live in the shadows of those who are our heroes and whom we are content to applaud.

Sadly, most of us don't recognise that we too have the capacity to take home the gold and consequently we live a mediocre standard of life.

Every day there is sufficient time and reason for us to do something that will propel us into becoming something bigger and better...

It's NOW that we need to do those things that should be part of our spiritual progress but sadly we haven't time just yet. The lawn has to be mowed; the dog has to be washed. By the end of the week we think we will have more time and only then will we write the poetry that is simmering inside us...

We convince ourselves that later on, next week, afterwards, soon, presently, before long, it will happen.

Yes, maybe in days to come we will have time, but is it possible that we won't be well enough, have enough money to pay for the art classes or have the vision to read the book when we finally find that elusive time?

Talk comes cheaply.

Action costs a little bit more. It takes courage and tenacity.

And guess what? Each and every one of us has enough to rule the world if we wish.

It's time to challenge ourselves because the clock ticks quietly on as we fritter away those days, weeks and months of idle talk.

Action by Lorraine Hunter
Living Now, Jan/Feb 2008 - To inspire, nurture, inform and empower
Australia's largest and finest holistic publication

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