Monday, January 28, 2008

Heath Ledger: 1979-2008

We were watching A Knight's Tale last night, one of two Heath Ledger movies being screened on TV as a tribute to the Australian actor, who had died suddenly on Jan 23 at the age of 28.

At every commercial break, these terse words would flash on the screen:
Heath Ledger 1979-2008

How bleak and harsh they were.

Surely they couldn't be referring to the lively, funny, big-hearted hero being portrayed on screen.

It just didn't seem right that he was cut off before the prime of his life.

"He's younger than you," observed hubby.

"Yup, only 28, what a pity. Would you say he has achieved more than most people?"

"Of course," came the instant reply.

"Isn't it obvious?" was unspoken.

It made me think.

How do you measure the impact of a person's life against his peers'?

How do you tell what a person's legacy was, and whether he had lived to his fullest potential?

Is the significance of a man's life dictated by the length of his days?

Is the significance of a man's life dictated by how many people knew him?

By "knew", I mean not only those who, by virtue of their professional achievements and choice of profession, attained great celebrity (or notoriety) and thus were known by name to thousands.

I refer also to the many who are quietly missed and fondly remembered, whose names appear only in an obituary in the local paper, if even that.

Their names are remembered only by those who knew them personally.
But oh, what fond, funny and heartwarming tales they would tell!

They might talk of how, wherever Mr A saw need, he would plant help and hope, and how this started a cycle of paying it forward.

The legacies of these quiet heroes will live on in lives touched by the simple, ordinary acts of love, courage and kindness that they faithfully performed while they lived.

If God has created every person on this earth for a specific mission and purpose, what then was Heath Ledger's mission and purpose?

When he died as tragically as he did, had he already fulfilled his mission and purpose?

What will people remember him for 10, 20, 50 years from now?

I suppose it depends on whom you ask.


2 numbers that bookend the start and end of a person's time on earth, time that once gone can never be retrieved.

1979: A baby boy is born into a loving family. His parents rejoice at this new addition to the family, and dream of what his future might be.

2008: The same parents who have lovingly raised their son to adulthood and proudly watched as he achieved worldwide acclaim for his acting talent and wise choice of acting roles, now have the grievous task of burying him.

What a sobering reminder of how volatile the future can be.

"Teach me to number my days, O Lord, that I may be wise," says the Psalmist.

Helpful resource:

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