Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Every Thu, I had the privilege of sharing the evening with a dozen or so women from my church.

We have been doing 40 Days of Purpose with our pastor's wife, and what a journey it's been.

I have come to appreciate, to crave, the godly fellowship and the sharing of all the women who are at different points in the journey and come with such diverse perspectives and understanding.

Last Thu's session was particularly powerful. We were divided into groups and two others and I shared about how life's circumstances have shaped and refined us for God's glory. I didn't expect to get emotional talking about my childhood and upbringing, but I guess God knew it needed to come out in the way it did. It was a humbling moment.

I was reminded of how far I've come and how I am who I am now because of, not in spite of, what I've had to endure on the way here.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wish List

This is going to be one of those weeks.

Workshops this Mon and next, and right in the middle of it, a planning meeting with my boss and our Church Council chairperson to make sure we're on the same page with regards to formatting of our first-ever Church Annual Report.

I find myself yearning for solitude so I can reflect, prepare and be in my ideal state for the workshop.

Yet there is so much else that's a part of our family routine that has to be attended to.

In my ideal life, I would like a tingkat dinner service...like the one I saw advertised in The Senior newspaper yesterday.
While we're at it, a cleaner to do my ironing, kitchen and bathrooms once a week would be nice too...
And a gardener to maintain the nature strip and backyard...

There, I've said it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

6 Days to the Next Workshop

The first workshop is over and am now gearing up for the next one, Goal Setting Secrets for Success.

Very glad to have my monthly accountability session with Kelly-Anne last night.
She got me to set five goals for the coming month:
  • Document how I will respond to each lead/enquiry that comes in from a different source
  • Ring the people who came for the workshop, thank them for coming, ask four specific questions to get feedback
  • Ring the individual who says he's coming for next Monday's workshop and ask if he's still bringing his friend(s)
  • Think about what paid workshops I will deliver, how I will promote them and what I will charge
  • Follow up on the 2 leads that expressed interest but haven't come back with a decision
The challenge with these workshops has been getting the right people to come. There are so many variables: Timing, Interest, Other Commitments, Fatigue, Lack of Motivation...

My prayer is that the workshops will draw those people who will gain most from the learning, are ready to take action in their own lives and are ready to light the way by sharing with someone else what they've learned.

This morning, I picked up the phone and rang two of the attendees. It felt awkward as it's been 8 days since the workshop and people quickly forget most of what they learn unless it's reinforced. Am grateful that they took the time to look at their notes and refresh their memory. In the process, I gained some valuable feedback. One person asked if I planned to conduct evening workshops. I said that's something to work on for the near future and I would definitely let her know if I planned to do so.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Deep and Meaningfuls

I love Deep and Meaningful conversations.

The kind where people let go of their fears and just dare to be themselves. Where they aren't afraid to have shiny eyes while talking to you, or to admit that their lives aren't fantastic right now.

I had one such D+M last Friday when Beth's ex-school friend's mum invited her over for a play date.

I salute her courage and ask God's blessings on her life and for the opportunity to lead her into a deeper conversation about faith.

Sowing Ripples

This morning, I bumped into a school mum who attended my workshop yesterday.

She told me the workshop was "good". I renewed my offer of a coffee chat to discover her issues around career, and she promised she would talk to me about it real soon.

While shopping at the Plaza, I met a lovely lady from my church who also had been at the workshop.

She was brimming with such joy and renewed purpose and looked like she was carrying herself a bit taller and straighter. She had been feeling low because of age (she's in her 70s) and others' expectations and her own sense that she has outlived her usefulness. She says what she learned yesterday has given her a sense of hope and she can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

First Word-of-Mouth Referral

Received a surprise email on Friday from someone I coached last year.

Her hubby is looking to be coached and she asked if she could pass on my details to him.
What an honor.

My mentor Alice says when she started building her coaching practice, it was purely by word of mouth.

The really interesting thing is that I'm not even actively looking for private clients as my focus is on preparing for and running the Empowered Women workshops.

Wonder if there is a correlation somehow?

The Purpose Driven Life...Again

It must be nearly 10 years since I first studied The Purpose Driven Life.

I still remember how the first line hit me between the eyes - "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU."

I mean, I knew life isn't about me. But to have someone else say that to me...was pretty confronting.

Still is.

Especially when I'm in the zone and feeling like everything's going my way because of all the amazing new knowledge I'm gaining around coaching and human excellence.

To be reminded that God is ultimately sovereign and that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (not awareness, not our limitless potential, not universal laws of attraction and success) is - humbling.

13 ladies from HXUC and I have committed to studying TPDL together with our pastor's wife facilitating. We meet once a week on Thu evenings to watch the DVD and discuss what God has taught us during the week.

I am finding it a bit of a struggle to get beneath the surface of what I already know and have experienced. It seemed easier the first time.

I listen to some of the ladies share about their TPDL learnings and I get the sense that God is actively at work in their lives. It's inspiring and at the same time I'm feeling left out because nothing seems to be happening in mine.