Monday, August 14, 2006

Reactions To The Move

Over weeks of chatting with various friends, colleagues and distant relations, 2 distinct clusters of responses have emerged on the issue of the big move.

I call them the POSITIVE and the POSITIVELY PUZZLED.

How wonderful!
How exciting!

What fun!
So cool!

Wah - so adventurous!
I have been thinking of doing the same. You have given me hope!

Why do you even want to migrate?
Why Australia?
How can you go without a job?
How can you go when you are pregnant?
What will happen to your relatives here?
Migration is only for the very rich.

Do you have enough reserves for 2 years?
They say there’s discrimination in Oz. The whites may call you names. And employers prefer giving jobs to whites.
The taxes are high.
The weather’s awful/cold/erratic.
Your daughter will come back with an Ozzie accent.

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