Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Am I A Talent?

Was listening to podcast of PM's ND Rally speech this morning.

He mentioned that Singapore needs not just more numbers but more talents.

How do we define talents?
People with a special skill or exceptional qualifications or experience?
What happens to those who do not make it as talents?
They may be just as competent, intelligent, skilled and dedicated in what they do, but their skills may not be in demand at the moment, and so they are less readily recognized, or their skills may be confined to a highly specialised environment, or their job descriptions may be very general, which means they can be performed by almost anyone.

Will these people fall through the cracks of development?
To what extent is the Government responsible for taking care of such groups, and to what extent are we as citizens and residents responsible for our own well-being and the future of our children?

Perhaps the answer lies in between.
Perhaps it lies outside the notion of Job=Income.
Have a look at this humorous article by Steve Pavlina (thanks, mrbrown!) - 10 Reasons You Should Never Get A Job.

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