Thursday, May 17, 2007

Unless ye be as little children...

Children are wonderful teachers.

From spending time with my baby, I have learnt so much that's important in life.

Like the meaning of Persistence.

Baby J does not know the meaning of "can't be done". If she can't flip over onto her tummy today, she'll keep at it until she does. And after that she'll keep doing it (with an expression of gleeful achievement besides) until it's fully a part of her daily physical routine.

Likewise, I expect that when it's time for the crawling and walking, she'll display the same never-say-never attitude and keep at it until she gets there.

So why is it that I give up before I see success?

Recently, I was listening to a recorded call by Richard Dennis on blogging. He said something that really resonated with me. He says the reason 99% of people fail is that they give up too soon on doing those positive actions each day that lead to success, and they give up because they do not see anything happening.

There will be a period of time, he says, when success is INVISIBLE. And that is precisely why we should keep doing the things we ought. Forget about what we can't see. Forget the why. Just keep beavering away and being consistent and disciplined about doing the little things, and the little things will eventually lead to the big things.

That's a huge paraphrase of what he actually said, but it's an interpretation that makes sense to me.

Especially when I look at my baby and realize that she doesn't enjoy instant success from all her attempts at mobility and independence, but it sure doesn't stop her, and eventually - which is the important thing - she gets to the place of achievement and becomes mobile and independent.

Powerful, but simple.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

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