Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Slight Edge

When you were a tiny child, you made your way around the room on your hands and knees, crawling. Everyone around you was walking and one day you decided to give it a try so, little by little, you worked on developing the skills necessary for you to learn to walk. You grabbed onto something above you and pulled yourself upright. You stood up holding onto the table or chair. Wobbling and unsure, you let go, fell down and tried again and again, until you stood up by yourself. Then you took your first step. All alone, all by yourself, hopefully to the cheers and applause of your family.

Baby steps, one at a time and you were walking. In the process of learning to walk you probably spent more time falling than you did succeeding. But did you ever think about quitting? Did you ever tell yourself that you weren't cut out for walking: "guess what; I'm going to crawl for the rest of my life"? No, of course you didn't. So why do you do that now? Why don't you do what you did when you were one or two years old?

The answer is alarming yet simple. Somewhere along the way, you became unwilling to take baby steps. You lost faith in the universal truth that simple disciplines practiced every single day, create success. You forgot the most proven, powerful success philosophy on earth. "The Slight Edge". Winning is always a matter of "The Slight Edge".

If you were to improve by just 0.003 each day that's only 3/10ths of 1%, a very slight edge but if you kept it up for the next five years, here's what would happen to you. The first year you would improve by 100% (you would be twice what you are today in just one year!). In the second year, you would improve by 200% and in the third by 400%. In the fourth year you would improve by 800%! By the end of the fifth year, you would have increased your value, skills and results by 1600%. That's 32 times more than what you are today. Just 3/10ths of 1% per day and that's not compounded! Just adding on three tenths of 1% each day. That's the incredible power of "The Slight Edge".

Remember that "The Slight Edge" is always operating either for you or against you. What you choose to do with it is up to you. "The Slight Edge" is based on the principle that what is easy to do is just as easy not to do. It's easy to get up and go to the gym every morning but it's just as easy to stay in bed and sleep in a little longer. But it's the little disciplines done over time that add up to the biggest accomplishments. The problem is that all those things, reading a book, exercising, eating the right foods, which are easy to do, are just as easy not to do.

Why is something easy not to do? Because if you don't do it, it won't kill you today. But that seemingly simply insignificant error in judgement repeated over time will kill you, destroy you, ruin your chances of success and demolish your dreams....guaranteed. For instance, if you eat a hamburger, it won't kill you today. But if you eat a hamburger everyday, that simple error in judgement compounded over time will ruin the quality of your life and will eventually take your life for ever. Either way "the Slight Edge" is at work.

You've got to choose which way you will go. If it's easy to do, it's also easy not to do. Which way will you choose? Did you know that only 5% of people succeed and 95% of people fail? No matter what realm of life or work you're looking at. It's true. Just one out of 20 people will achieve their goals in life. That's what the numbers say.

Back in the early 50s the Hartford Insurance Company did a survey of 100 college graduates, all approximately 25 years of age. They asked them all one question. "Will you achieve your financial goals within your working life?" They all said yes. Forty years later, in the 1990s Hartford followed up the 100 subjects, who were now 65 years old and found that:· 1 was wealthy· 4 were financially secure· 6 were still working· 35 were dead· 54 were broke having $200 or less to spend each month after they had paid their bills.

Out of the 100 subjects, only 5 had written down their goals. You can guess who they were! Five out of 100 were successful. That's 1 in 20. Why? The answer had to do with the pull of gravity. The downward pull of life. Ask yourself "Where is the expectation and the structure to support me in being a success in my life and work?"

The alarming fact is that outside our formal system of education, which most experts suggest is flawed anyway, there is no expectation or structure for your success - none. We get what we expect and only 5% of us ever expect to win and keep expecting that. Plus we have no structure and no system to support us in succeeding in life.

The predominant force in life is gravity and it's always pulling us down. It pulls 19 out of 20 down. But anyone can break free from the downward pull...........by doing what it's just as easy not to do. Write down your goals, read books, plan, build knowledge. Attend training, seminars then read some more, plan some more, set more goals and so on. Read 20 pages of an inspiring book everyday. Study success, study motivation, study network marketing, and read biographies of people that inspire you. But know that if it's easy to do its also easy not to do.

The choice is up to you. Your future is up to you. Life is not a spectator sport. Lead, follow or get out of the way. Life is a continual process...of growth or decay. Grow and then grow some more. Commit to growth. Learning to learn is committing to the process of growth. Choose to read 20 pages every day and you will have to make that choice every day. Choose to model yourself after the people you admire and who have succeeded in areas where you want to succeed.

Remember that failure will never overtake you if your desire to succeed is strong enough.

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