Thursday, May 24, 2007

Making Your Communications Match

I always knew the importance of matching what I say with what I do, but Bob Scheinfeld puts it more elegantly.

He says our Surface Communications must match our Energetic Communications, otherwise the mismatch will raise a red flag about our intentions and communications and even cause our projects to misfire.

For example, "suppose you have a website and are selling a product through it. You have a sales letter or some sort of text designed to sell it. Suppose at the end of that sales letter you say "And the investment for this product is $699" but you secretly have thoughts that $699 is too much, and no one will buy at that price, there's an energetic reference to that which others can sense and it creates a mismatch."

I know EXACTLY what that means because I do it all the time. As a freelance writer, I've occasionally stabbed myself in the foot by deliberately underquoting my fees because I was afraid potential customers might think I was charging too much.

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