Thursday, July 27, 2006

Week 18: Update on bb

Have started gaining weight. Am now 52+ kg, up from 48/49 kg in the 1st trimester. Let's hope the gain is moderate and measured, and that I won't surpass my previous 18 kg record.

Am starting to get hunger pangs every 2 hrs. It's now almost 11 am; had 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a cup of hot honey at about 8 am and tummy is growling.

Comparisons with 1st pregnancy

I've been a lot more lax this time, snacking on all the forbidden foods (chocs, sweet drinks, biscuits, instant noodles) that I restrained myself from touching when I had Beth. My excuse is that I had such a lousy time during the first trimester, I just couldn't stomach any of the good stuff!

Physically, I also feel a lot larger than when I was at the same stage with Beth. Even my next-door neighbour noticed. At 4.5 months, I feel HUGE. It's not a bad thing for my posture, cos it forces me to sit straight when I would otherwise slouch (and squash my tummy!).

bb's moving!
I've also started feeling the flutters (bb's movements), which I'm sure I didn't experience till much later with Beth.

And my belly button has flipped! :)

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