Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Christianity & Financial Security

I am confused.

Being a Christian means trusting God to provide for all my needs, including my financial ones, because He is Jehovah Jireh.

So does that mean there's no need for serious financial planning, buying of life policies and endowments, thinking about how I can get more out of my (dwindling) savings, thinking of multiple income streams a la Robert Allen & Robert Kiyosaki?

That can't be, cos we're also asked to be good stewards of our resources.

So what's this biblical prosperity Robert Katz talks about in his book Biblical Roads to Financial Freedom, and Os Hillman's distinction between the 5 fallacies about money vs God's 5 purposes for its use in his book The Purposes of Money?

Then there's my good friend who recently wrote in an email response - "Why do you think Christianity and finances are mutually exclusive...so long as you put God first and do not let $$$ become a god in ur life, all's well. In short, go ahead and make money if the opportunities are there...!"

I will never get the hang of this. I just want to be debt-free (very hard with 2 mortgages, 1 income, and a baby on the way) and to have a little more than enough so I can afford the occasional day out without guilt.

Is that un-Christian to ask?

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HW said...
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