Friday, December 16, 2005

A Ray of Hope

I started this morning in a panic, trying to do too many things at once and wondering, "What am I doing with my life?"

I've got so many to-do's on my wish list and not enough discipline to sit down and work out how best to get through them all, or even whether I should get through them all.

Each day's routine is a challenge. What shall I do today?
a) exercise?
b) visit the library?
c) work on the PC?
d) do something different, like go to the beach or the airport?
e) some, all or none of the above??

Is it possible to just be, and not have to worry that I'm wasting my time or making a wrong decision?

Then I have to remind myself: Life is short. Life is unpredictable. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Not when there's bigger stuff out there to worry about.

Just yesterday, we received news that a friend's sister had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She's a couple of years older than I am, a mother of three, and her youngest child is my daughter's age. I can relate to some of that.

Bad news tends to kickstart a mini-epiphany, and I tried to imagine myself in her shoes:
How would I respond?
Would I lose all faith in God?
Would I get depressed, bitter, angry?
How would my husband and little girl manage if Mummy got taken home early?
So our prayers are with my friend's sister and her family.

In the meantime, God has given me a life to live, to serve, to contribute. Not for myself alone, but for the betterment of others. Especially for those who can't, or won't, or don't know how to help themselves.

Like the lady who called just now seeking career advice. A dear friend had suggested she speak with me.

Her problem is not unique. She wants to leave her current organization, but isn't especially keen to join the one that's offered her a position (Strong Push + Weak Pull). She knows she needs a change, but she doesn't want to leave her comfort zone. Sound familiar?

I explained what I could do for her, and we agreed to meet up on Monday morning.

You know what makes me excited? This - knowing that I can really help her by sharing what I've learned from my own career coach, the resources I've investigated, and my personal, unique experience at making the comfort-zone leap.

No need to save the world. It's enough for me to save just ONE individual's self-esteem, and give her the affirmation and confidence she needs to make her own informed decisions.


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