Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Simply Music, Simply Divine

Do you, like most people, believe that a person is born musical?

That in order to master the keyboard well enough to play it for your own pleasure, you have to spend years learning it?

That only those who started learning when they were children would have any hope of getting really good at it?

While looking up the Internet for ways to teach piano to adult beginners, I came upon a fantastic site, SimplyMusic.com.

This is an Australian-developed program that teaches students to play music before they can read music, that focuses on hands-on learning rather than rote learning of theory and technique.

The program wants to make music accessible to everyone. In that sense, it's revolutionary.

I've been looking for something like this without knowing it.

I'm so excited I've printed the brochures off so I can study them properly.

If this is what it claims to be, I've just found my answer to something I've been struggling with - how to teach piano to adult learners without a piano teaching qualification and without being a concert-level pianist.

I've noticed a growing interest in my community from adults who just want to learn to play simple songs for their own pleasure and fulfilment. They're motivated, they're self-directed, they're hungry to learn. They don't want heaps of theory or to sit exams. Most importantly, they're adults, so we speak the same lingo. They're my kind of students, and I want to learn how to reach them and teach them so they can start to experience the joy and aliveness and power that Music has given me.

Just imagine the possibilities....I can hardly wait!

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