Friday, August 19, 2011

The Magic of Not Knowing

I love serendipity.

I love the magic that happens when you let go and just trust in the right people and opportunities to flow to you.

On Wed, I was due to meet with the rep of a local newspaper to discuss a possible spot in a feature they are doing. Had no idea what it was about or even how he found me but said yes anyway.

So I rock up to Werribee Baptist before 2 pm and no one's there. I chat with the admin lady, who like me works p/t for the church, and start forming a lovely rapport with a lovely individual. Our conversation ends with her inviting me over for a cuppa the next time I'm at work.

I wait another 15 mins, and conclude that said person must be stuck in traffic or lost his way in the rain or maybe in an accident (oh dear!). When I get home, I call and leave a voice message for the person asking if he's okay.

I also decide that I'm going to let go of the outcome of this and not try to chase up on the matter.

Today, I get a call from said rep to find out what happened on Wed. Turns out he went to the Anglican Church on Synnot St and wondered why it was closed! We had a good laugh and right there on the line I felt a warm fuzzy feeling and the beginnings of rapport forming.

We've now made an appointment to meet up next Wed. Same time, same place, and this time he promises to look up the address and have my mobile number with him.

I finally got to ask him The Question: how'd you get my number?

"Oh, from the Council database."

"The Business Directory?"

"Yep, that's the one."

There's a good reason why the Business Development Officer at the Council kept encouraging me to get on the database, and I've emailed to let her know she was right!

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