Monday, June 30, 2008

If You Don't Ask, The Answer's Always No

I'm reading You Inc. (How to attract amazing success into your life and business) by John McGrath, one of Australia's top selling real estate agents.

I love this section of the book where he tells of how he once randomly said to the facilitator of a conference he was attending, "I'm so glad to be here and to be listening to all you guys. I wish my team back home could listen to them straight from the source."

The facilitator said, "Well, why don't we ask them?"

At this point, John panicked and started trying to back out. He hadn't really intended to go anywhere with his idea. It was just something he felt at that moment.

So he tried to get out of his idea by saying, oh, these guys are too busy and too important to come.

But the facilitator wouldn't let him get away with it.

His point was: The delegates might be too busy, but John must give them the opportunity to say yes.

After tea break, the facilitator announced to the conference, "John has a request."

John was very embarrassed, but he stood up anyway.

The result was the first real estate training conference of its kind in Australia. Since then, John's company has gone on to organize similar conferences every year, and his company is now the largest real estate trainer in Australia, with a dozen top real estate experts from all over the world presenting.

Action Challenge:

What things are you holding back from saying or doing because of fear that the other person might say no?
Give him a chance to say yes.
Ask the question.
You never know what might happen.
The outcome could change your life or business in an amazing way.

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