Monday, June 09, 2008

The Circle of Life and Faith

This past week, as CA was preparing to deliver his first-ever sermon, he reflected on how zealous he used to be when he was a new believer.

I think all believers face the same struggle.
Our life journey seems to mirror our faith journey.

We start off full of passion and zeal, spending hours studying the Bible and evangelizing to our peers. This is also usually when we are single and still schooling.

In midlife, we get caught up in career, family and finances. For some of us, our faith becomes more a matter of keeping up with routine rather than engaging in anything that might rock the boat.

Then at the tail end of life, when the kids have grown and left the nest and we have a bit more time - and when perhaps we encounter illness or some other major life event - we turn our attention to our own mortality and once again renew our allegiance to the One who made us and to whom we must return.

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