Friday, April 25, 2008

Internet Connections

Once in a while, I get a comment on my blog(s).

When it's from someone I know, it tells me that someone is actually taking the trouble to keep up with what's going on in our lives.

Considering how hectic everyone's life is, that's really nice.

But sometimes, the comments come from complete strangers, who just happen to be surfing the Net, come across my blog, and decide to leave a comment.

Recently, I received an email from a lady back home, someone I don't know. She was surfing for information on delivering a baby at the Werribee Mercy Hospital (where I had Jordanne), and found my blog.

Amazing, when you consider there are at least 165 million sites out there, according to Netcraft's April 2008 survey.

The Internet certainly has a way of bringing down barriers and bringing people closer. The world feels somehow smaller and friendlier when two strangers find they have something in common and take steps to become acquainted.

That's cool as, in Aussie-speak.

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