Monday, April 07, 2008

Finding Contentment in Delayed Gratification

I am learning that delayed gratification and incremental improvement are both sides of the same coin.

And that both are good.

In my dictionary, DG/II is a $20 doormat that lends a cheery and welcoming aspect to the entrance of our home.

There's a wonderful synchronicity to everyday things if you will look at them.
The image of the bench on the mat is just like the one in our backyard.
And the plants on either side suggest a retreat, a tropical paradise.
So what if the reality doesn't quite match the suggestion?
At least it's something to work towards.

I imagine my guests walking up to my front door, pausing to wipe their shoes off on the mat, and smiling at what they see.
Instead of dwelling on the leaf vacuum blower, the storage solutions and the fitness machine that don't fit in this month's budget, I choose to delight in the magical transformation effected by a $20 household item.

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