Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Ways To Reach Out

I started out titling this piece "A New Way To Reach Out", then when I thought about it some, I realized I'd actually been shown more than 1 way.

As I write this, I'm on Windows Live Messenger chatting with 2 friends, one here in Melb (an undergrad) and the other at Harvard (grad student). In the course of chatting about exams and visa requirements, I found myself in a position to encourage them in the situations they were facing. One of them wrote, "Thanks so much for the encouragement....needed that so badly." That made me feel really good, to know that God had used me at this time to meet another's need in such a beautiful, practical way!

Gal 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

At our new church here in melbourne, we've come to know many lovely individuals with fascinating life stories and situations. At Mon playgroup, I've met with several other mums and am regularly impressed by how they manage the chores, ferrying the kids to school, doing the grocery run...all by themselves, with no live-in maid or mother-in-law coming over to help. (Makes us in Sg seem pretty pampered, huh?)

Post-service, we've been privileged to chat with members over coffee fellowship and to be touched by their stories: the seniors who still serve faithfully in church/do their own chores/live on their own/drive themselves around, the musical family with a Down's child who plays the tambourine enthusiastically during worship time, the lady who lives in Point Cook and has great confidence that there will always be someone willing to fetch her home, the pastor who has no hesitation rolling up his sleeves to help out in the playroom or kitchen...

Somewhere in there is an opportunity to listen, to empathize, to pray, to encourage, and I am looking out for it.

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