Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Meeting mortgage broker next week to sign docs for refinancing of home loan.

Had some misgivings after we gave him the green light to go ahead with loan application. After all the reading we've done, realized we (still) didn't really understand x-collateralization, line of credit vs offset vs redraw, standalone loans, implications of mixing personal funds with investment funds...

In the midst of getting a second opinion from a mortgage broker who is himself a property investor.

On the home front, bro-in-law and real estate agent called today to say they were at HDB for the first appointment. As our sale is a 'negative sales proceeds' transaction, we have to refund the $5k downpayment and deposit to HDB. Am getting BIL to pay first and we'll ETF him the money.

Buyers have asked to have the flat early to begin renovation. The agent has advised that we say yes subject to buyers assume responsibility for anything that might go wrong before settlement, and also get their contractors to clear any belongings still there that they don't want.

It's great to have a professional and ethical RE agent on our side for a change!

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