Friday, November 05, 2010

My God is a big God!

Just received the 2011 school fees list.

Suddenly, Good News Lutheran is looking very attractive. At $2700 for Prep to Year 6, it's half of what we're paying. Imagine how much we could save. Even at Year 7 and 8, the fees ($4500) are still less than what we're paying.

I like how GNL charges the same rate for all years of primary school. Heathdale's adopting a similar system for next year - fees are the same for Prep to Year 4, Year 5-6, Year 7-8, and Year 9-12, respectively.

Woke up extra early today and sat down at the computer thinking of alternatives and solutions to the Heathdale problem.

Was reminded of a Bo Sanchez article I read yesterday. Bo says when our fears are big, it means our God is small. But if our fears are small, then it means our God is a BIG God.

Which when you think of it is so obvious.

Our God is above all gods. He is the God of the universe and every created thing. He made the world and everything in it. Nature shouts His glory. He made people with diverse talents, personalities and abilities. He made the human brain smarter than any computer. He heals, transforms, creates miracles, blesses, forgives and loves. In Him we live and move and have our being.

If He wants us to remain at Heathdale, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will provide the funds, the ideas, the job opportunities, the passive income streams.

And if He wants us to transfer to Good News Lutheran, He will take care of our fears and guilt, and Beth's sense of sadness and loss.

My part, as I continue to pray and wait on Him, is to ACT. Faith does not mean just sitting back passively waiting for things to happen. Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:17) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Tim. 1:7)

God has given me a sound mind, attention to detail, legal knowledge and creativity. All these things I offer up to Him as hubby and I navigate this new challenge in our lives.

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