Sunday, October 12, 2008

How Do You Express Yourself?

I was listening to a Steve Pavlina podcast today on Creative Self-Expression.

CSE is about being yourself and accepting yourself.

If you want to create passive income, think of how to create passive value for others. What valuable thing can you give them even if you're not physically present?

If you want abundance, spend more time expressing and sharing who you really are. Give more than you are receiving. If you are experiencing scarcity, it's because you are taking more than you are giving.

Don't confuse the method of expression with your message. Your career is not defined by the medium you choose.

For example, Steve's career is all about growth. He expresses his passion for growth in a variety of ways: through writing, blogging, speaking. The message is growth, and that's what he tries to share with people.

Likewise, my career is not about writing per se. It's about helping others to overcome their personal limitations and the restrictions imposed by conventional norms. It's about exploring and charting new directions in life. It's about helping people to write a new life/career story. I get my message out through writing and blogging and email coaching of like-minded persons. Those are my outlets. My message is about creating something new and positive out of one's past mistakes and negative experiences.

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