Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Story of the Spider

After a particularly violent storm, the spider's half-spun web lay in tatters. The spider itself had been flung to the ground, and it now painfully inched its way up the wall towards the ruins of its home.

The spider followed the trail it knew best, crawling slowly upwards. But the wall had become wet and slippery, and once the spider reached a certain height, it would fall off. But it never gave up. Each time it fell, it would doggedly start all over again...

A passerby saw the spider's travails and sighed to himself: "Isn't my life just like this poor spider's? Always busying myself rushing here and there, and in the end, what do I achieve? Nothing."

Bowing his head in despair, he walked away, and from that day on sank into a depression.

A second passerby watched the spider and exclaimed: "What a stupid spider! Why can't he take a different route and crawl up from the section of the wall that is dry? In life too, one often encounters fools. I shall not be one of them!"

The second passerby went away with a swagger, determined to shine amongst his fellow men. In the conduct of his affairs he became clever and crafty.

The third passerby crouched down to observe the spider. Moved by what he saw, he sighed, "Ah spider! In countless battles you face countless failures, yet someday you will surely prevail! Man too should learn to be persevering like you!"

The third passerby went away, heartened and encouraged, and from that day on, he became much more resolute and resilient, and found success in all that he put his hand to.


Your attitude determines how teachable you are, and your teachability will determine the life lessons you learn.


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