Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Loss Of An Icon

Why is it that people are most honoured not while they live but at their own funerals, when they can no longer see or hear or appreciate what others say about them?

The first time I heard that JBJ had passed on was today (a week after the event!), when I was surfing and read PM's condolence letter. I can't believe I didn't hear the news before this.

Singapore has lost a great statesman.

I wanted to see what people were saying about the event. Googled "JBJ" and found:

I respect JBJ for his courage, his tenacity and his vision.

I think The Australian captured the essence of what JBJ stood for best. They called him "champion of democracy". In daring to walk his beliefs and ideals, he has shown the rest of us what it means to choose excellence over mediocrity and to make choices based on courage rather than fear and unthinking compliance.

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