Saturday, March 03, 2007

Onwards and Upwards

At the end of CS Lewis' The Last Battle, the last of the Narnian stories, Reepicheek the mouse urges everyone on as they make their way into the real Narnia (the equivalent of Heaven). "Onwards and upwards!" he cries as he leads the way.

And that, in essence, is how I feel my life is unfolding.

Everytime I get too comfortable and feel that I've finally got my act together, or that my life is finally in balance, God prods me to move on to the next level.

It's a bit like coping with a new baby. Just when I'm congratulating myself that my milk supply has stabilized and Jordanne is feeding/sleeping well, she starts exhibiting new and challenging behaviours. She demands more frequent feeds. She refuses to be by herself. She becomes more wakeful. And so on.

I reckon the point God is trying to get across is that my whole life is a work in progress. There is never any point at which I can truly say "I've arrived" or that I don't need Him anymore. As long as I live, I will be stretched and challenged daily to live my life Onwards and Upwards for His glory.

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