Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Today's Devotional: Whose Philosophy Am I Guided By?

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
Col. 2:8

As I pondered today's verse, I was powerfully reminded that I need to equip my mind with the mind of Christ rather than secular humanistic philosophies which emphasize Me First - my personal fulfilment, my success, my dreams, my goals.

This is especially relevant as I explore coach training programs and seek to fulfil my long-term dream of becoming a life/personal/career coach. There are so many programs out there, and 95% are secular in nature. One of the points in the code of ethics subscribed to by coaches is that we come to the coaching session with a blank canvas. No preconceptions. No judging. No imposing our values or beliefs on the client. We accept the client and everything about him as is, and work with that. The idea is to empower the client by asking the right questions, so that he discovers for himself the answers that are already in him.

As a Christian, I do have a concern about how this aligns with my personal faith and witness. Can I be an effective coach and and an effective Christian if I am trained only in secular methods? Will these teachings lead my clients or me astray in the long term? How will I reach out to clients who need to hear the Word of God and how it relates to their particular situation? If I share my faith or discuss how God can help my client in a particular situation, am I in breach of the coaching code of ethics?

On one hand, it is tempting to enrol with any coaching school that meets my criteria of certification, affordability and a sound curriculum with excellent support. On the other hand, if God is first, then I want to make sure I can be the best coach I am designed to be, so that I can be a channel of blessing to those God calls into my life. And to do this, I must be able to coach from a foundation that is unshakeable, that speaks the Truth and stands for the Truth.

This means there will surely be areas of conflict, because God did not design us to live for our own purposes, but for His. As Rick Warren says, it's not about you (or me). That fundamental difference alone affects everything else that flows from it. If my life is not mine alone, then I cannot live as if my concerns and interests are the only considerations in life. I am part of a community of believers and beyond that, a community of individuals made in God's image, even if not all believe in God. I have a specific role to play during my time here (my life purpose), and I must do so to the best of my God-given abilities.

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