Monday, January 17, 2011

Party pooper

Have just been invited to a friend's surprise birthday party.

If only party just meant bring a plate and a present.

This one, because it's organized by said friend's creative and party-loving partner, is a Fancy Dress Party.

I dislike parties.


Maybe it's because I was never allowed to go to any when I was in school.

And also because I was singularly drab - like Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films.

No sense of fashion.

No talent for beautifying myself.

No access to gorgeous accessories and cosmetics.

No self-confidence.

So I've developed a self-defence mechanism called Avoid Parties At All Cost.

And I've found I can live quite happily without them.

Unfortunately, this particular party invite is inescapable because we're friends with this couple, and I don't want to offend.

She has given strict instructions for ALL guests to turn up in fancy dress. Anyone who doesn't will not be allowed into the house (what a great excuse to escape the party!).

So, I'll have to dig through my very meagre wardrobe and find something that can pass as fancy dress.

I am not terribly optimistic...

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