Monday, February 23, 2009

Music Teaching - The Second Year

I have started teaching keyboard again, without actively planning for it.

I had an inquiry from a friend at church, who asked if I would coach her two boys.

I said yes, and we started on Sat after I'd assessed where they are currently in their level of musical understanding.

One is a complete beginner. The other plays the guitar, so he already knows quite a bit about chords.

I am teaching chord piano using a combination of resources by Scott "The Piano Guy" Huston and Duanne Shinn, "The Headless Piano Teacher".

It's so much more fun than learning classical piano, I tell you.

On Sunday, I had an inquiry from another family about beginner lessons for their teenage son. They're shopping for a keyboard, so once they've got that sorted, we can start lessons.

I'm so excited at being able to share my music knowledge with young people, and to be able to introduce them to the joy of playing the keyboard without the stress and hassle I endured during my time.

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