Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Success = Vision x Decision x Action

SUCCESS = Vision x Decision x Action

I don't have to get it right, I just have to get it going!

I love this signature I saw on an investors forum.

We know success is not just about having a vision of what we can achieve. But how many of us persist long enough at doing the necessary mundane little actions each day that bring us closer to a place of success?

I know I struggle with this, especially the Decision bit (should I? what if? let me think about it a bit more) and the Action bit (I don't feel like working today; let's do something more interesting).

Some random thoughts...

Vision is an idea of what could be. The starting point. The thing that gets you all fired up, that obliges you to sit up all night scribbling all the fantastic stuff going through your mind. It's probably the easiest thing to have because we all love to dream.

Decision is pointing yourself in a particular direction that gels with that Vision. Choosing Path A over B and C. For the risk averse, this is where one can potentially fail because it's hard to say yes to something, when that yes could turn out to be a costly mistake. We'd like to have it all.

Action is the tedious legwork that keeps you moving towards Success. Discipline. Hard work. Effort. Research. Doing your due diligence. Boring stuff.

Action Exercises To Maximize Your Chances of Success

  • Keep your Vision in front of you, in a place you can see. Make it real. Use aids: visual/auditory/tangible, whatever works best for you. This keeps you focussed.
  • Making a decision, even a wrong one, is better than doing nothing. You can correct yourself later. But if you make no decision at all for fear of taking a risk, you'll definitely stay in one place and stagnate. Don't be a slave to analysis paralysis. It's easy to deceive ourselves that we're doing real work when we're just inventing excuses not to make a decision.
  • Take little steps each day that move you towards the place you want to be. The idea is to keep going. Momentum only comes when you've been doing something long enough. You can't build momentum by trying a new strategy for 1 week and then giving up before you see results.
A toast to your success!

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