Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shiny New Thing Syndrome

I'm like a magpie sometimes.

My mentor Joe Pane says people like me are easily influenced and easily distracted by the latest shiny new thing.

Which explains why I have no hesitation ordering information products online. Particularly those that promise to turn me into a six-figure copywriter or help me learn anything or make a living helping others get over their career conundrums and relationship ruts.

Most such sales copy invariably includes the phrase "live life on your terms".

Whatever that means.

Just yesterday, I managed to arrest myself midway through purchasing a $5k get-coaching-clients program by Christian Mickelsen.

I still think it would've been a worthwhile investment.

What stopped me was the realization that I was taking the easy way out.

It's one thing to say yes to the best product in the world.

It's another to persist long enough, to humbly pay your dues and to actually make money with the product.

The other reason I refrained was because I suddenly remembered that I'm already paying $197 a month to Taki Moore of and

His website already has templates, bonuses and other cool stuff I can use.

So I went back to his site and poked around to see what I could use to attract new clients.

I just sent out a piece yesterday to my newest leads. I'll give it a week and if there's no response, I'll send out a different piece.

The thing about all these so-called quick, easy and guaranteed solutions is that there really is no guarantee that even if I copy a template word for word, I will get the same glowing result. There are other variables involved, some of which the gurus don't mention. Or maybe only their Black Belt or Inner Circle members get access to this info. The Ascension Model etc.

As for the six-figure copywriting course, I did purchase it just a few moments ago, which is what inspired this post.

At $497, it's a no-brainer.

Now if only I can find easy clients like me...

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