Friday, June 22, 2012

New Beginnings in Fitness

Attended two trial sessions at Martial Journey this week.

Can I just say, I am very proud of myself. Here I am, the most sedentary person ever, learning something new and physically challenging at 41 when PE has been the bane of my school life.

The first 15 minutes of the session are killer.

You run around the mat, then change direction, then gallop, then do this complex little move where your feet cross in front then cross behind.

Then when we're totally winded (ok, when I'm totally winded), we get to do laps - 2 min non-stop alternate lunges to the end of the room, then running back. By the end of the 2 min, I could barely rise from lunge position.

After that come rolls, kindoso (or something that sounds like it) where we go round the mat in horse stance with someone keeping pace in Japanese, solo kicks and partnered kicks, lots of stretches.

I particularly love the rituals - getting on our knees and bowing down with forehead to the ground to signify Trust and Respect. First for ourselves, then for others. Bowing to the room as we step off the mat. Bowing to the room as we enter. Bowing to sensei at the end of the lesson.

The S energy in me thrives on order, stability, structure and ritual. A happy insight from Advanced Skills Training.

The other huge bonus is my classmates.

There's another lady who joined on the same day I did. We had a heart-to-heart yesterday, and I feel so inspired by her story of personal transformation and want to keep serving her through my coaching skills.

And the three guys who are regulars? I haven't had too much experience being in a fitness class with guys, and can I say these guys are such wonderful individuals. Maybe it's the school that attracts a certain kind of personality. Or maybe it's the whole journey-of-personal-growth thing at work. But there's something very special about them. Their dedication and commitment. Their humility. Their down-to-earthiness.

They're just really nice people, and I look forward to getting to know them and their stories.

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