Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just completed my first coaching session since I started the Dip in Life Coaching with TCI. The student support people are very pleased for me that I've gained a client even before the Intake Weekend next month.

I've set myself a starting goal of 100 hours to prepare for a full-time career in coaching the best out of people.

My thoughts after last night?

I feel awesome! THIS is what I am meant to do.

Here's how I prepared myself.

Listened to Extraordinary Living and Coaching Starter Kit CDs.

Watched Sharon Pearson's video clips on the Dip Life Coaching page on TCI website and took lots of notes.

Just before the session (8.30 pm SIN time/10.30 pm MEL time), I started feeling sleepy. That was a bit of a worry.

So I did some stretching, listened to Paul Scheele's Paraliminal CD on Focus and Concentration.

And fell asleep.

When I awoke, I felt a bit guilty, but guess what? I felt so refreshed as well. Wasn't expecting that actually.

As I type this close to midnight, I am still feeling alert and awake.

One more thing I did: I actively implemented Sharon's advice.

Ex: when you're thinking about what question to ask next or stress that you may ask a wrong question, it becomes about you, not your client. You're letting your ego, your fear, your need for control, get in the way. Your client is not paying you for these things. They want change, solutions, to feel better than before your session with them.

Here's what my client said when I asked for feedback at the end of our Skype session together:

I feel fantastic! Thank you very much! :)

To wrap up, I left her a gift beyond what my coach training has advocated, but which I feel strongly about because of my Christian faith. I reminded her that her true identity is based on what God thinks of her, and that He loved her enough to send His Son to die for her.

Her response?

WOW Awesome!! Thank you v much Serena.

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