Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When You Feel Demotivated

This fantastic extract came to me on a day when I was feeling a bit low in spirits and questioning my credibility as a coach...

From the Coaching Compass newsletter

Remember why you started on the path that you have chosen for yourself. Even if you are not quite to the point you want to be, enjoy your daily progress. Honor and even celebrate where you are right now. If you do not have fun with the steps you take forward, what is the point of continuing?

You will not be 100% complete with a goal if, at one time, you did not finish the first 25% of it. Embrace the plateaus of accomplishment. These can be natural resting spots. Do not confuse your current location on the path with your intended destination. This will only cause unnecessary stress because you are not there yet.

Keep moving in the direction of goals, and enjoy the journey. You will be there before you know it!

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