Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Career Tip: Before You Leave That Job Interview...

...Ask for the job!

That is the advice of job search expert Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute?

In this article published on whotv, Bolles says: "It doesn't seem to matter how you ask for the job. That is to say, the actual words don't seem to matter. It can be something simple, like: "Can you offer me this job?"

Or something a little more elaborate, like, "I believe that I have both the skills and the experience to do the work we have been discussing, in a way that would benefit your organization a lot. Can you offer me this job?"

Most job counselors and career books advise interviewees to ask, "So, what is the next step?"

Bolles does not recommend this, because it places too much control in the hands of the interviewer, who may not be good at handling this sort of situation.

Bolles says that almost all job hunters who follow his advice invariably report back to say they thought his suggestion wouldn't work, but they asked anyway, and the employer said yes!

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