Monday, September 11, 2006

God Takes Care Of....A Missing Passport

This afternoon, we were at the Medicare office in Greensborough to ask how to register with Medicare so that I can start booking a hospital for my gynae appointments and delivery.

The Indian customer service officer initially told us we had to come back on 20 Sep because our data hadn't come through from DIMA yet. However, after I mentioned my pregnancy, she tried all ways to help us expedite the process, including verifying our PR status from our passports. After a few mins, she came back looking extremely concerned, and said she couldn't locate my PR visa in my current pp. I explained that the visa was affixed in my expired pp, which I didn't have on me.

It was then that I started to get nervous. I suddenly couldn't remember where I'd left my expired passport, or whether I'd even brought it with me to Oz! My sense of personal failure was really acute then. How could I be so careless?

The officer was very kind and offered several options: (1) try and look for it, (2) get someone in Sg to find it and send it over, or (3) get the DIMA officer in charge of our case to reissue our PR approval letter with his/her signature on it.

I texted my BIL in Sg (who's the attorney for our flat) to ask him if he remembered coming across my old pp while clearing the master b/rm. He said he couldn't remember, but wld check for us this weekend.

Then tonight, while Beth was rummaging thru one of the luggages, she came across the travel agent's envelope which contained our ticket confirmation for our flight to Oz, and in the envelope was my expired pp!! I tell you, there is no greater joy than when something thought lost is found. This ranks pretty much on par with the parable of the woman and the lost coin. I fell on Beth and gave her a huge hug, and so did hubby.

Thank you Lord. Now we can get back to Medicare on 20 Sep and complete our registration and collect our Medicare cards. Another challenge met with the Lord's provision. He is our Jehovah Jireh!

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