Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Creativity and the Monthly Cycle

Made an interesting connection today.

I finally - after 3 months! - got the urge this morning to revisit my first draft of the book I'm writing.

And I wondered why. Why now? What is it about this particular day or week that seems to have awakened in me the desire to be creative and the impetus to actually do the thing I've been procrastinating and avoiding?

And then it occurred to me that it's been a week since I last had my period.
Meaning I'm at my most fertile.

Could that be it?

I've been reading Philippa Gregory's The Lady of the Rivers, a historical novel about the Duchess of Bedford who was a descendant of Melusina, the water goddess, and had the gift of Sight. Somewhere in the first pages was a mention of the significance of the lunar cycle, and my unconscious mind seemed to have made a connection between that and my sudden sense of being in flow.

I've not investigated further to see if there's any scientific backing for my new theory, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is something there.

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