Wednesday, August 07, 2013

No more co-sleeping

Four years after she first announced she would move out of our bed into her own, Miss B has done it.

Every year we would nag and remind her of her promise to move out by her next birthday. The birthday would roll around, and she would postpone again.

With four to a queen bed, getting a good night's sleep is no joke. I sleep like a sardine between the girls, and inevitably wake up with a sore neck or other discomfort from having had to contort myself during the night.

Miss B had no such compunctions. She is a restless sleeper, the kind who kicks and thrashes.

So the months went on.

In typical B fashion, there was no notice that a change was about to happen in the household routine.

A week ago, she decided to sleep in her room. And that was it.

Now, as soon as she gets home from school, she goes straight to her room, settles herself into the upper bunk, and reads.

She complains of the purple/pink walls - a colour she has outgrown - and tinyness of the bunk bed, but it is still her special hideaway.

As for the rest of the family, the three of us now have more room to spread out in our queen bed.

With Miss J in the middle, who is in no hurry to move anywhere.

Thank goodness there is still one little one to snuggle up to at night.

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