Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Some interesting things have popped up on my radar this week.

Some time ago, one of the mommy websites I respect invited expressions of interest from readers who want to contribute articles. I have just received an email from the site owner inviting me to apply for a guest writer position.

As they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

I also received an email from a reputable personal development sites that I subscribe to, inviting me to update my "expert page".

There's a drop-down menu with a list of options, e.g. Money & Careers, Spirituality, Love & Relationships.

That's really got me thinking:
What is an expert?
Who decides if someone qualifies to be an expert?
What am I an expert in, if anything at all?

My ten-year-old came along and as is her habit, peered over my shoulder at the screen.

Her opinion: 'Motherhood. Marriage. Christianity.'

Thanks darl!

The third surprise was an email from someone in the States who took the trouble to fill out the contact form on my nutrition website. She's requesting to advertise on our site and would like me to email her regarding options.

It sounds like God is calling me to step up and out of my comfort zone again. There's something He wants me to do. Now to find out what it is...

As I've learned this past year, 'Say yes, then work out how'.

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