Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ask and you shall receive

How many times have I held back on what I wanted because I didn't dare to ask?

How many times have I let precious opportunities slip away because I was afraid the answer might be no?

Yesterday, I took my fear in hand...and asked.

I ASKED the receptionist at Wyndham Vale CLC if she would accept flyers for my March workshops at Tarneit CLC.

She got up from her seat, took my flyers and went over to the table where brochures and flyers are laid out for the people to browse, and personally found a spot for them.

I couldn't resist going past the table afterwards to see for myself that my flyers were there.

Here's a quick snap.

I ASKED the founder of Beth's drum school if the school's parents might benefit from knowing about my workshops.

His response: "Sure, go ahead! We've got 200 families. If you want to advertise something, just go for it."

I got Beth to pin up the flyer for me on USM's notice board, right in between their band workshop registration form and a flyer of Lauren Elizabeth's upcoming gig in St Kilda.

I ASKED Beth's piano teacher if she would like some flyers for the parents of her students, so they would have something different to read while waiting. She said sure, and yesterday I handed her 20 flyers.

And all because I said yes to myself and worked out how, backed myself to the hilt, and let my desire be greater than my fear - and asked.

What would/would not have happened if I hadn't asked?

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