Friday, January 19, 2007


I first heard of the Christian Acapella (a cappella = singing without instrumental backing) group GLAD in '92 while interning at the Legal Aid Bureau. A colleague lent me their The Acapella Project cassette (yes, those were the days) and I was hooked.

I bought the cassette but for some reason, couldn't find the CD version in Singapore shops.

I forgot all about buying the CD until recently when I happened to surf and saw the CD listed for US$6.99. I checked everywhere else: Amazon, eBay etc but couldn't find that particular title. It was very strange; they stocked all the other GLAD albums save that particular one. So I placed my order and today, it arrived - 5 weeks later - from the US. Am happily listening to it now and savouring every familiar word and the flawless harmony. Nothing like acapella to distinguish between excellent singing and everyone else.

Oh be ye glad, oh be ye glad
Every debt that you ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad

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