Things are starting to happen and I am detecting a pattern here. It goes along the lines of the NLP goal setting strategy DDNR -
- Decide to do something.
- Do it.
- Notice the feedback - how are people responding? what do they say they want more/less of?
- Refine - take the feedback on board and keep adjusting till I get the results I want.
Coffee Club initative - met with fellow school mum M last week and agreed that we would host an info session to find out our school mums' top three concerns. Today she printed and guillotined a stack of flyers and the two of us handed out flyers at pick-up time. Had a great response, with some mums being really enthusiastic and saying yes to the invitation on the spot. Cool. I was blessed to have Miss 6 help me with this; she's a natural at approaching people and ran after friends and teachers to give them the flyers. We will also be placing a notice in the school newsletter and distributing flyers to all school families through the class tray system.
The girls' music school principal approached me this week to participate in their inaugural student support foundation fundraiser. Sponsors are invited to donate products or services which will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go towards scholarships for students. In return, your business presence gets an uplift. I said yes. Just working on the details now.
I mentioned this to the owner of our martial arts school and she got really excited about working together on a similar project.
I love my journey and how I've evolved in my thinking: Small to big. One to many. Me to Us. Win-Lose to Win-Win-Win.